Unit 8: Single Test Analysis

Dig deeper with assessment analysis! Use this Aware Premium feature to focus your attention on a single assessment. Analyze by item, standard, demographic, and more using interactive, live-data charts.

Using the Single Test Analysis Feature

Unit 8 | Module 1

In this module, you will learn the basics of using Single Test Analysis.

To enter full screen mode, press F key while video is playing.


Online Help Guide

Learn more about Single Test Analysis.


Why would you want to zoom in on a single assessment's data?

Using the Performance Summary Tab

Unit 8 | Module 2

In this module, you will learn how to use the Performance Summary Tab in Single Test Analysis.

To enter full screen mode, press F key while video is playing.


Online Help Guide

Learn more about the Performance Summary Tab.


What conclusions can you draw from examining the data present on the performance summary tab? 

Using the Learning Standard Summary Tab

Unit 8 | Module 3

In this module, you will learn how to use the Learning Standard Summary Tab in Single Test Analysis

To enter full screen mode, press F key while video is playing.


Online Help Guide

Learn more about the Learning Standard Summary Tab.


What conclusions can you draw from examining the data present on the learning standard summary tab? 

Using the Item Response Analysis Tab

Unit 8 | Module 4

In this module, you will learn how to use the Item Response Analysis tab in Single Test Analysis.

To enter full screen mode, press F key while video is playing.


Online Help Guide

Learn more about the Item Response Analysis Tab.


What conclusions can you draw from examining the data present on the item response analysis tab? 

Knowledge Check

Ready to test your knowledge? Answer a few questions before moving on to ensure you've got the details nailed down.