Unit 9: Mastery Tracker

Take your assessments administered through Aware to the next level! Use this Aware Premium feature to identify students who demonstrate mastery of skills over time.  

Understanding the Mastery Tracker

Unit 9 | Module 1

In this module, you will learn the background of the Mastery Tracker.

To enter full screen mode, press F key while video is playing.



How does your district currently assess student mastery? 

Creating a Mastery Tracker

Unit 9 | Module 2

In this module, you will learn how to create a Mastery Tracker.

To enter full screen mode, press F key while video is playing.


Online Help Guide

Learn more about Creating a Mastery Tracker.


What kinds of assessments might you use within your tracker? 

Setting Mastery Tracker Perceptions

Unit 9 | Module 3

In this module, you will learn how to set perceptions for students within the Mastery Tracker. 

To enter full screen mode, press F key while video is playing.


Online Help Guide

Learn more about Setting Mastery Perceptions.


When would it be appropriate to set a mastery perception? Why would you change a perception level?

Editing, Deleting, and Archiving Mastery Trackers

Unit 9 | Module 4

In this module, you will learn how to edit, archive, and delete Mastery Trackers.

To enter full screen mode, press F key while video is playing.


Online Help Guide

Learn more about Editing, Deleting, and Archiving Mastery Trackers.


Which groups of students would you include in a Mastery Tracker? 

Understanding Mastery Tracker Data Views

Unit 9 | Module 5

In this module, you will learn how to move between and utilize the different data views available within the Mastery Tracker.

To enter full screen mode, press F key while video is playing.


Online Help Guide

Learn more about Mastery Tracker Data Views.


Which data view are you the most interested in? 

Knowledge Check

Ready to test your knowledge? Answer a few questions before moving on to ensure you've got the details nailed down.